Keep your finances under control and get real-time profitability at the tips of your fingers

As a Financial Leader, you’re expected to improve predictability or simply increase profitability.
You’re also expected to find opportunities to reduce costs and enable business transformation.
While most of your time is spent understanding what is going on in the supply chain, find your way in data siloed across different systems when not in spreadsheets everywhere. ALIX is here to help!
How ALIX Directly Benefits You
Drive Digital Transformation
Make decisions with confidence and speed to better align finances and operations
- Focus on finances, not on system and spreadsheets
- Financial information should flow freely across the business
- Respond quickly to financial reporting needs from management
- Provide access to financial dashboard in minutes both for you and management
- Easily audit projects and order from quote to cash
- Identify financial opportunities in your overall operations
- Improve revenues, cost of good sold (COGS) and margins
- Get instant profitability on projects and orders
Reduce Costs & Increase Profitability
Minimize operating costs to drive overall company profitability
Improve Financial Health
Improve the financial health and stability through improved cash flow management
- Take informed business decisions with data
- Leverage digitized, automated and real-time information flow
- Create positive cash flow to support business needs
- Optimize cost of good sold (COGS) and inventory assets
Different roles, different point of views

Plant Manager
As a Plant Manager, you’re expected to drive plant performance, maximize output, and ensure the safety and retention of all your employees.

CEO and Management
As a CEO you’re expected to increase business value and anticipate the future of your business competing in a always-on, connected, just-in-time global economy.